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Hot! Buy us a coffee  or donate
Thanks so much for clicking on this option.

This is a simple way to make a contribution towards our online music for those who don't have paypal!

Simply pick your chosen amount in the option box and take it to the checkout !! Simples :D
And thank you soo much in advance! Its great to be back working a little and hopefully things will pick up a bit more in the future. We hope to be online livestreaming again over Jan and Feb 

Thanks for you kindness
Elsa and Gary xx




£5.00 inc. tax

Customer Reviews

2 review(s) posted (write review)
Donation option 5 product stars
"Very happy to have this option as I so enjoy the #tuneaday tunes and chat; not to mention the scenery which brings me happy memories. Hope to see you at a gig some day in not too distance future." Ealasaid - 03 June 2020
Thank you for the Covid 19 entertainment 5 product stars
"HI Elsa & Gary, I look forward to your daily video every morning when I get up. I live in Canada and visited your beautiful island last October. How much the world has changed in that time! Barbara" Barbara Keeley-Watt - 13 August 2020

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